'Spiritual Life Force and Healing Power From Heaven’
In the native Hawaiian culture, the sacred term mana is the ‘healing power and spiritual life force that permeates the universe’. It is this power and strength that is either lost or gained on earth depending upon the decisions of mankind that affect the purity of the planet, the continuation of the human species, and indeed all things. Lani means ‘from heaven.’ At Mana Lani, we choose to nurture the spirit or life force of the land which in turn heals and nourishes all life interconnected and dependent upon it.
Using organic, permaculture, and regenerative agriculture practices, we work to restore the farmland into a Pacific NW Garden of Eden, creating a food forest for wildlife and humans alike. By developing and maintaining sustainable practices using the principles of biodiversity and biodynamics, we seek to empower Native American & BIPOC communities through hands on projects.
Promote & Preserve Habitat for Pollinators & Wildlife to Sustain a Balanced Ecosystem
Permaculture Practices to Build Healthy Soil, Plants & Food Forest
Using Biodynamics to create a diverse Holistic Farm
Restore Native Plants, Trees and Wildflowers
Native Plant & Vegetable Seed Bank
Zero Waste & Composting
Wetland Restoration, Riparian Buffer and Pond for Wildlife & Native Plants
Rainwater Harvesting & Sustainable Drip Irrigation Practices
Organic Food Production & Preservation
Growing & Harvesting Medicinal & Culinary Herbs & Spices
Creating Value Added Products
Building Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Infrastructure
Making an investment towards a healthy planet for generations who follow in our footsteps