Regenerative Agriculture & Landscaping
Are you interfering in a way that creates greater balance in nature and her ecosystems or are you interfering in a way that creates greater reliance on human intervention with chemicals? In a handful of healthy soil, there exists a complex ecosystem bustling with life.
Regenerative agriculture brings together a set of agricultural practices whose primary objective is to naturally enhance soil quality.
“Under the surface we find the activities and relationships of roots, bacteria, mycelia (fungal threads), nematodes, insects, worms, and countless microorganisms. These very small creatures live in prey-and-predator relationships just as we see in the bigger animal world. These creatures number in the millions in every teaspoon of dirt. They eat, poop, pee, kill, and die. Their effect on the soil is the green world we see around us. Without the activities of fungi and microorganisms, plant life would be very different, if it existed at all. As growers, we create the habitat for the microorganisms and they in turn do the work of feeding the plants.”
Silver, Akiva; Silver, Akiva. Trees of Power (p. 39). Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Cardboard Sheet Mulching is a great way to naturally enhance soil quality while removing grass, weeds and other vegetation from the landscape.
It’s also easier on the body than digging or using a sod cutter. We saved all our cardboard boxes since we moved onto the farm…that includes large appliance and moving boxes to packing paper, grocery bags and all those Amazon boxes from purchases. Now, that the Phase 1 building infrastructure has been completed, we move our focus to land conservation efforts and pollinator habitat reusing the shipping/packaging materials we saved, preventing them from going to landfill and/or the redundant costs associated with recycling materials.

Health is like gardening…you have to pay attention to it for the best results.